I purchased my starter kit through another retailer, how do I subscribe or order monthly refills?

If you purchased your LYMA Starter Kit from one of our retail partners, you can set up a subscription by simply logging into your account, select Account Activation and add the member ID from the membership authenticity card. You will then be able to add a subscription to your account. Alternatively, you can order refills at any time.

LYMA LaserLYMA Laser

LYMA Laser

Engineered to instruct your skin to behave as if it’s younger. Leaders in world-first, clinic-grade cold laser technology. Transformational results for face, neck and body. From 3 mins daily. Results in 30 days. Portable, powerful, painless. All skin tones.

Best For

Wrinkles Pigmentation Skin tightening Redness Scars
